Meet The Big Team The Committee (THE BIG TEAM) . Work as a team and help plan and manage events, they are innovative and dynamic.

Meet The Big Team The Committee (THE BIG TEAM) . Work as a team and help plan and manage events, they are innovative and dynamic.
Who are The Big Team ?
The Big Team are men and women who came together with one heart one mind with interest to save lives, in spite of their ethnic or tribal differences, their religious backgrounds, their financial status or political affiliations. They came together from market places, schools, homes, some of them house wives, some are single , some are bachelors, some are lawyers, doctors , nurses, force men. Others are staffs in various professions and industries. Above all they came together in one common ground to fight for the right of the helpless and to raise hope where there is none. They are joined by love and their strength is in one faith in God Almighty . Armed with one love they formed the formidable force that drives IIMGC's vision and mission touching lives with the touch of care.
Thank you,
By Sylva Clinton
President and founder
for IIMGC Nonprofit.