About Us
Imperative Initiative for Motivation of Global Care (IIMGC) is an International human right, development and empowerment Non-Governmental Organization registered in Nigeria with special interests in vulnerable population, health, education and economic empowerment.
The organization has a retinue of well-trained volunteer personnel with core competencies in the afore-mentioned areas and with past experiences therein. We perform a vast array of humanitarian services through our competent coalition partners known as SEEDS Coalition, created by our organization. We organize and partner with reliable NGOs/CBOs to provide a more economical yet innovative strategy on projects from start to finish. Members connect, learn, and accomplish shared goals for public good and personal development. We offer opportunities for our partners to learn about potential community needs. Together we develop strategic skills and collaborate to developed solutions. We believe in team work because we can achieve more towards a common vision.
IIMGC believes in sustainability hence all our programs are geared towards a holistic approach to interventions after ascertaining particular needs. Since poverty and factors bringing it about are interrelated and most times interwoven, solving just a particular problem is not enough but attacking the root of poverty before it spreads its ugly tentacles on the general wellbeing of a society. Poverty, if not widely and systematically curbed, normally spills into other aspects of life sometimes rendering a particular intervention useless.
Having explored in trajectory the devastating effects of poverty in Nigeria, especially in regions were majority are living in ZERO dollars the still unlucky few lives on less than $1 Dollar per day. In recent findings, poverty has a horrifying effect on social values, after a long while the resultant effect is, people begin to perceive poverty as a norm or way of life. No wonder Peter Singer said “Poverty affects social development factors, such as, education, infrastructure, technology, security, and economics across the globe. Furthermore “Extreme poverty is not only a condition of unsatisfied material needs. It is often accompanied by a degrading state of powerlessness. ”
As a result, IIMGCs approach is to clip as much of poverty’s “tentacles” by tracing and uprooting its different causes hence the eight (8) key multi facet sustainable methods developed by IIMGC.
Due to the complexity of poverty and its mutating effect, the transferring nature of poverty in our society factors in the need to deal with it in a holistic approach. However we contribute or render our services to humanity we do not fail to understand the complexity of our societal needs and deficiencies. Exploring additional means that will enhance this program is required that is why we congregate, analyze each element with its factors and characteristics of mutation. Thus; we came across the simplicity, yet salient catastrophic nature of poverty. This informs our pine and drive to sensitize underserved communities with dense population, especially communities with high rate of poverty and illiteracy in adult and children.
These have given rise to the need to also sensitize and integrate them intour developed sustainable investment scheme, so they don’t continue to rely on international or local funds rather they will sustain themselves and maintain a healthy livelihood for generations to come.
In the light of this, there is the imperativeness to widen the frontier to include economic empowerment to augment the health care provision to combat challenges and ensure a holistic inclusion of women voices, children with disability and children’s right to education.
We have a sustainable approach to all our projects and businesses which will continue to yield profits and improve lives sustainably. Our value chain plans are aimed on a profitable strategic growth platform, thereby giving our business a long-term effect investments which will be handled and monitored by our marketing boards designed to promote crops, product, export and investments schemes.
To establish and promote a medium to advocate human right,to foster unity, development in people's lives. The inclusion of women voices at all levels of policy-making, bringing peace, sustainable development in local communities and the world at large which will help us completely curb, eradicate poverty, war and neglect of the people's right.
The overarching goal of out projects is to strengthen and sustain the capacity of the beneficiaries in order to increase household income, sound health, economic security and employment opportunities. Towards the achievement of this goal, the project’s purpose is to develop, test and refine a clearly articulated process for identifying representatives and assessing their strength’s, capacity and resources, and subsequently developing a partnership intervention that effectively integrates financial or non-financial services into existing programs. The development of a defined process, drawing on the experiences and lessons learned from previous and successful project.
"My strength does not lie in wealth. its an act of kindness in my heart. As I witness the untold hardship,torture, pain, helplessness and hopeless state of our world, I try to understand the cause of the problems sadly the cases all seem to be pointing at one direction poverty!. To fight such a huge problem is a big task, a task too big but not impossible. One needs to find the root of a problem in other to solve it, so to mend these broken hearts & broken dreams we need to take a bolder step and guide others to follow in these steps of hope and life .
I have passed through tough challenges and in it I was able to see the silent cry of helpless people all around us. They are everywhere.
Join me let's mend broken lives and give hope to the helpless in short let's impact our world!!!".
Sylva Clinton Founder for IIMGC Noprofit Organization.