Has successfully entered into partnership with National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI) for a Two Billion USD dollars ($2, 000, 000, 000.00) Sustainable Development Scheme referred to as “SDS project “. To partner and synergize in order to bring peace and sustainable development to local communities and help eradicate poverty, war and the neglect of human right under the Global Impact Africa Framework (GIAF) and Humanitarian and Socio-economic & Health Empowerment Schemes (HUMSOHES) framework.
Has successfully partnered with Nigeria-Brazil Centre for Business, Culture and Cooperation (NBCB) all over Latin America
Successfully conducted trainings on skill acquisition for hundreds of participants over the last couple of years with visible measured positive impact.
Successfully aided and supported members/volunteers with micro credits, loans for various businesses as well as recouping same from borrowers.
Successfully carried out various support/campaign intervention in health, education, poverty alleviation in remote rural communities around Abuja and Niger State with as a litmus to taking it country wide.
Successfully carried out Human Right & Peace campaign and advocacy across media other social networks to over 2.4 million participants
Successfully partnered with Youth Peace in Seoul, Korea as part of our Peace Initiatives
Successfully partnered with an international organization Insight Conflict.
Successfully carried out a HIV/AIDS prevention campaign.
A signatory to a Worldwide Charter for Fair International Commerce; a global initiative that stands by businesses adopting sustainability and fair trade known as International Businesses Standards Organization (IBSO).